Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I wonder where the Wonderland went?

I just saw Alice in Wonderland the movie. Wow! That was a trip! I think I liked it so much because it made me think that we are all so much like Alice. In the way that we go from kids living in a dreamlike fantasy world and believing that the vanishing floating cat is real, or there exists an army of raging red card soldiers. Or, maybe it's just that we know no better than to just innocently except that this version of the Universe as intelligent, mysterious, pulsating and responsive is as genuine and real as the world we experience through our 5 senses.

And so, a few dozen years of linear time and social conditioning come to pass...We find our selves far from the Wonderland we once knew, our view altered by fear or whatever other illusion it happens to be. And, we lose the Fat Boys' innocence or perhaps it's the Little Mouse's boldness or Alice's own venturesome spirit. Or maybe it's that Crazy Rabbit's foolish, care-free spirit with a tinge of Hound Dog's naivety. Nonetheless , there comes a time, slowly, but surely, or perhaps all in the time it takes to drink the magic potion of awareness, we start to come back to our extra-senses.

We discover that we can fine tune our perception of the Universe with evermore clarity. And, as we fall deeper down the rabbit hole, we see that we truly are part of some crazy, co-creational concoction that is nothing short of magical, daring, loving, purposeful and endless!

We discover that we have more control over our mind than once thought and more power to choose which door we will go through or not. And, at the same time, we accept that although the fairytale can wander like a river, it is always on course and without exception, will eventually merge with the infinite Sea.

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